Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?

Posted by Ria, 17 Oct

Have you noticed a recent surge in Asian men and white women being together lately? Bruce Lee and Linda Lee Caldwell were one of Hollywood's first Asian man/Caucasian women celebrity couples … and that was in the 60s! So what's changed?

The question is, why is this interracial combo not as widespread as other interracial combos?

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There is definitely a higher percentage of Asian women with white men than ever before. Why?

The video below was taken by video crew who asked random and predominantly Asian guys and girls "Why Asian girls are attracted to white guys". Guess what... Stereotype! Stereotype and more Stereotype!

According to the video, most respondents described Asian men as being too shy or unassertive. The woman also stated Asian men were too effeminate and even too short! Apparently this is turning Asian women away and they are beginning to look elsewhere.

Asian stereotypes have been created by society in general. Enough articles have been written about what I would like to call stereotypical racism in the Asian community – for instance, how Caucasian men actively seek an Asian woman because of their exotic looks and supposed submissivenes?. How many have this so called Asian fetish or yellow fever?

Asian females, on the other hand, have constantly been disgraced and labeled "white-washed" women busy trying to climb the social ladder by their own communities and are finding more acceptance with races other than their own.

So what about the rise of interracial relationships between the Asian man and Caucasian woman? Is it that Asian men are fed up with their female counterparts and that they take revenge by dating Caucasian women? (just a thought) Or just that there are fewer Asian females in their dating pool so they are expanding their own horizons?

My conclusion is that maybe it's not that at all. I think people should be intelligent enough not to allow trivial stereotypes to conform to their preferences on who to date. Why do you think there is a rise in the Asian man-Caucasian woman interracial combo?

447 responses to "Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?"

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  1.   NYGriego says:
    Posted: 13 May 16

    My question is why most Asian women don't go for certain white guys? Do they not like Southern Europeans? LOL... That's the only group I've never dated and I could never figure out what it was that they didn't like. This topic has always been a mystique to me.

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    • virgoniankim says:
      Posted: 18 Aug 16

      Hello.. your comment has caught my attention. I cant speak in behalf of all the ASIAN women but I can definitely tell you about my opinion on this matter. Race will never be an issue to me though i have never tried to date any other race aside from FILIPINO thats why I have decided to signup on this dating site. Hope you will be the first white guy I will ever date in my whole life and hopefully you will be the last and my lifetime one too..?? what do you think?

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  2.   fotoguy says:
    Posted: 24 Feb 16

    im an asian guy, im married to a nice caucasian woman.. she is nice looking girl. she almost look like milla jovovich.. i feel somehow lucky she decided that we speend the rst of our life together. i am 43.. she is 35 we meet when i was 36 and she was 28... so its been 7 years. ive always wanted to benwith white girls.. i find them much more attractive..sexually speaking aswell. asian women are cute too but they remind to much my mother... when we are the beach, all the white guys look at my wife...prolly thinking of all sort of things including how an ordinary asian guy could have got her....no way thats not possible. he must be some rich asian or something... the fact is, i work part time in a school.. and thats my only income..so im poor financially.. she also makes more money than me.. my mom wanted me to have an asian wife for the submisive and obedient thing. and to be able to talk with someone who could speak her language. my mom was afraid that a white woman would cheat on me and leave me for a rich guy.... it hasn't happened so far. we have made 2 kids by the way... both very nice looking kids.. 6yrs old boy, 1yrs girl. half of me didn't want to have kid. the other half wanted.. i wanted because i disn' want to lose her as she was serious about having kid with someone. also because when i get old , if im alone...i want atleast soemone to know that i exist...my kids. i am 5'4" by the way.. so i beat the statistics... long before this relation a girl left me because i was to short.. it hurtd my feeling but i didn't give up.. i meet several white caucasian girls..before this relationship. all ended after few months.. don't be fooled.. not all asian guys are the same... we are all unique. i am smart, logical yet very empathic person. i like psychology as much as i like technology.. am i shy and unassertive? who isn't ?.. but i overcame most of that.. im a good talker now with lots of self estime. and there are many asian guy who aren't shy aswell.. the stereotype is probably half true. i have no doubt but if i was a woman, i would prefer a shy guy than a manipulative controlant guy that for sure...but thats another story. meanwhile, i can confirm that it is difficult for asian men to find caucasian women. but to be honest, it is difficult for most of everyone regardless of skin color.

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  3.   Funloving2 says:
    Posted: 19 Feb 16

    I am looking to settle down with a great caring,independent Asian man.as i feel they are the most real.And are often stereotyped..

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  4.   Mosiah7 says:
    Posted: 27 Dec 15

    This topic has the funniest comments ever! I'm hollering while reading them.

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  5.   jmet718 says:
    Posted: 15 Nov 15

    It's a fad just a new thing

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  6.   MrRight4u2 says:
    Posted: 30 May 14

    truth? intelectually whites and asians have more in common

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  7.   Eam60 says:
    Posted: 21 May 14

    This is a topic one has to look at in terms of history.....and history has proven that Asians are basically Homogeneous. Is that good or bad? I don't know...as someone else stated in an earlier post, "Asians are around white people all day". The world is not as complex as it was 50 years ago, it is becoming more excepting and that allow people to think "out of the box".

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  8.   EyesOnyou78 says:
    Posted: 31 Mar 14

    I agree with all especially AzaleaFlame and Imsostoked. Its about what gets the heart movin. I was in town this weekend just shopping and as I was checking out I looked to my right and I saw this woman who instantly took my breath away. Without being rude to her and of course this had nothing to do with how I felt instantly about this complete stranger..but she was attractive but not overly so.......but when she looked at me and I looked back my heart started to race........On my way out of the store I saw her and I smiled and said did she mind if I payed her a compliment...she was ok with that.. I told her that she was beautiful.....That was for days ago...and I still have her in my mind....The long and short of it is this woman who was an asian by the way just gave this 54 year old a 17 year old heart thumpin' reaction..and I loved it!!!! It doesn't matter who, what, where and when....That instant chemical reaction....well there's nothing like it......Would love to meet her again...who knows?

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  9.   Kguy88 says:
    Posted: 13 Oct 12

    The simple reason is this - it's all numbers game. Both asian male/females are surrounded by white people all day long. Some choose to date only non-asians, some choose to date only asians. People try to make it as complicated as possible, but majority always wins - but i am amazed by the fact that over sixty percent of asians in america still choose to marry other asians. If rich east asian countries like korea and japan start taking immigrants from europe and north american countries, you would see a large number of white females with native local males.

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  10.   AzaleaFlame says:
    Posted: 19 Jul 12

    For an interracial dating website there is alot of bashing of other people's race/ethnicity going on here! I'm a white woman and an advocate of 'date the rainbow' and once you start you will never look back. Why limit yourself to 'white only', 'black only', 'asian only' when there are so many options out there? I have seen stunning white men, black men, asian men and hispanics and the only thing that would make me date one over the other is the guy I have chemistry and click with. I really couldn't say that I would prefer blonde over brunette or black over asian because you just never know who you would get the best conversation with. And you have to talk to him for that. I have dated white men and have had nothing in common with them, yet dated black or asian men and we got on like a house on fire - you just don't know til you date someone. I think there will always be a percentage of any race that will only date within their own ethnicity and be against interracial dating through the belief that their race is the most elite. This isn't just white people who believe this (although I understand whites having such a bad rap as whites seem to have the most control over racial stereotypes through media etc and use this to their own advantage, not to mention whites have such a bad history of slavery/colonisation/elitism - not something to be proud of) I know that many Asians also feel that their bloodline is sacred too and can trace their ancestry back many generations by the names, so feel it's not to be messed with by interracial marriages. I am sure there are blacks and hispanics who feel similarly in their own way. But this will always be around. And then there are those of us who don't give a hoot about all of that. I have many friends who are in interracial relationships BWWM, BMWW, AWBM, AMWW etc etc they are all happy and have gorgeous children. True some mixes are more prevalent than others but I believe every option is out there. So go and date the rainbow and maybe you will be surprised at who your soulmate really could be. After all, we're all just looking for love, right?

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    • Eam60 says:
      Posted: 21 May 14

      Well said!!!!!

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    • greengrl1953 says:
      Posted: 07 Dec 15

      USA HISTORY LESSON: Black slavery came about from one tribe attacking another tribe and selling/trading them/ or even keeping them as slaves themselves. Most Asians were lured over by the promise of work and came being paid lower wages than others and yet working harder {and still do} than most any other race. While, to a much lesser degree, some were sold as slaves by their own people. And just think if none of this had happened. What would our country be like today without the richness that a variety of races have brought here? Everyone looks at the bad side. And yes, slavery was and still is horrible. But in the case of the USA the pain and suffering of those slaves and Asians has actually turned into something so vital to all of us as a nation-culture and alternative ways of living, eating, medicine, healing, and education. Should anyone be compensated for their ancestors being slaves. No. If anyone should be compensated it should be every remaining American Indian tribe in the land. Because they were the first slaves. Here, on their very own turf which was also stolen from them. Those who didn't conform were murdered. End of history lesson. I am color blind racially speaking. Asian men are still low on the totem pole for dating white women compared to Asian women dating whites, blacks, etc. Frankly, I don't know why Asian men are turned off by white women. But I have observed this over a very long period of time: Most Asian men do not marry and start families until they are in their late 30's and early 40's. In many cases, they want children that are the same race as them or at the very least, of some Asian race They also tend to go for the more younger, more fertile women. Today's Asian women want more than just being breeding stock. I once dated a Vietnamese man, small build and not what I would say overly endowed if you get my meaning. Nonetheless, he knew how to use what he had and was one of the best lovers I've ever had. I wore plenty of smiles on my face and sighed with contentment on many occasions with him. So, unless most Asian men are out to satisfy only themselves sexually, which some may be but you find that in all races, I doubt that being sexually inept is the problem. Also, Asian men like their women to be"in their place". This stems from way, way, way back where women were seen and not heard. It is fact something also akin to custom. It still is real though Asian women have been breaking away from that since WW2. White men tend to SPOIL Asian women more than any other race of women. Most Asian women don't bother with your average run of the mill Joe Shmoe without a at least having a decent bank account/job, nice home/apartment...a provider who will do for her. They are exceptionally picky. Who can blame them after being brought up in the old ways/traditions of Asia.They now have grasped freedom and are smart about how they use that freedom and themselves.There are, of course the rare exceptions. One of the most public examples of this is the CEO of Facebook and his wife. I was once a beauty. Though still attractive I am overweight because of a bad back which left me sedentary and the medication and the lack of activity made my weight balloon. If you want to talk prejudice in the dating arena hands down this is sitting in the top 5 arena. LOOKS< LOOKS< LOOKS. Admittedly I too look. I too can initially judge a book by its cover. But then, I step back and regroup and take a harder look. I actually try to find the gem in the rough. But 99% percent of the men I've come across on any dating sight want younger, beautiful women, and in most cases, non-smokers. It all boils down to personal preference. Nonetheless, being and older, overweight, American Indian woman has been an extremely tough experience for me. Despite this being an Interracial dating site. Prejudice still casts its nasty shadow under the guise of "preference".

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  11.   shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 12

    Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?”...... It's not! Period.

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    • Soju says:
      Posted: 18 Aug 12

      Wow, this forum is still active I see. Anyway, where is your proof that it's not common? What stats do you have to back up it up? You should do some research first troll. Go to 2010 US Census and tell me what you've found. 1 in 3 East Asian men who were raised or born in US are married to white women. If that's not high I don't know what is. Remember Asian Americans only make up like 3% of the total population compare that to 14% of black Americans. Maybe that's why you didn't notice them in your neck of the woods. Just because you don't see high profile attention seeking AM/WF in the media doesn't mean its not common. AM/WF couples are ususally in their middle to upper class suburbs raising their kids.

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      • greengrl1953 says:
        Posted: 07 Dec 15

        Troll is not necessary. In any case you are correct...to a point. Compared to Asian women being with white men or Asian men with white women there is no contest. The Asian woman and white man ration is far and away much, much higher. While it is true that more Asian men are "coming out" and dating white women it still is not as common as one might think. As of 2013 the Asian population was a bit under 20,000,000 making up roughly 12.8% of the population. A bit over half that number are males but lets just say 10,000,000 to make this easy. At 3% of the population it comes out to be 3,000,000 males who date someone outside their own race. That's roughly 1/3 of the population of Asian men. Now, here are the verified stats....17% of Asian men are in interracial relationships compared to 38% Asian women in interracial relationships. That is still a huge gap of 21 %. Still. Interracial relationships are on the rise in all etnicities. It makes me wonder if 100 years down the road if there will be any pure blood ethnic people. I would imagine so but over time purity of race may eventually fade out. But then again. There is always the RACE HATE factor too.

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  12.   SXYBRWNSUGA says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 12

    Rosso87 has obviously had his heart broken by a black woman or was shot down an endless amount of times. To be this bitter about a particular race of people, but yet you sign up on a Black and White dating site... but other races filtered themselves in says alot of him.

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  13.   54rocway says:
    Posted: 20 May 12

    I'm a black who like asian woman, But they seem today to have this thing about talking. yes! i do know we are stereotyped in all kinds of ways.But so are asians too.All i am saying is ladys just talk to some of us and you make your mind up on that.I am a good man and i think i'm warth the time.

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  14.   imsostoked says:
    Posted: 12 May 12

    Hi there. So i'm an asian dude... well filipino, so teetering on the borderline of being asian. Anyhow, I'm like 5'2"... that's pretty fucken short. And we all know, most women dig height - which does make sense from a psychological and evolutionary standpoint. In turn, most would think a really short, asian dude, who isn't like... ridiculously wealthy or the emperor of some small country... wouldn't do very well with the ladies. But, hey here I am! I've dated quite a few white women in my life... and all were rather pretty and fit... most of whom have never even kissed an asian dude or a shorter guy ever... EVER! They're also usually pretty awesome and hilarious too. "Catches", many would say. Anyhow, the point is not to toot my own horn, but to say "dude, it can be done.... dude!" Although I hang out with quite an... "ethnically-diverse" group, I DO have quite a few short asian buddies that don't do very well with women, let alone women outside of their own race. They'd never even think about approaching a white or hispanic girl. Because they, too, have bought into these stereotypes that girls of other races (especially white) wouldn't dig them. That's their main problem. They don't even try. Most non-asian girls will be taken aback by a shorter-than-them asian dude trying to hit on them. And the majority will be too uncomfortable or self-conscious ("but, he's so shoooort") with the situation to give it a shot. But the cool ones... the ones you want... may be pleasantly surprised by a little flirting from a type of dude that never EVER hits on them... and that could lead to... well whatever! But, bottom line is if you are an awesome person - and to define awesome: cool, charming, funny, intelligent, charismatic without being a dick, presentable/well dressed, social (and these are all things a guy can work on) - AND you put yourself out there... it doesn't matter your race or your height. You will catch someone great (like my girlfriend now - who happens to be white and a few inches taller than me). You'll obviously have some obstacles and rejections, but who cares! Thus is life... AND dating. Besides, it is way more fun to "turn" girls who don't consider you their type. Overcome adversity by being more AWESOME and trying harder. It'll all work out. Also, don't use the word "awesome" too much when you're talking to girls. It's a turn off. ha.

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  15.   Guitargreat says:
    Posted: 24 Feb 12

    Read the Title of this website? Who gives 2 craps about why any white guys or Asian guys want anything! If you need an Asian guy? Take yo a*s to the Asian site! I get sick of Asians,White, Mexicans and all other men trying to portray themselves as good alternatives to a black man! What A joke! We all have huge differences and they show easily but, You have no shortage of all these other dudes pretending to have parts of our traits only because women like it... Asians, Whites and Mexicans tell their Women to stay clear of us black men and how terrible we are while the try to be like us so they can be wanted but they come nowhere close and usely get dumped for being fake black men! I would have some respect for these non-endowed dudes if they kept it real but they don't! They have to trash us to make themselves seem like a good choice when they're not, unless you want the number 2 man in the world!

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    • reese says:
      Posted: 24 Mar 12

      come on brother it is an ir dating site. It wouldn't work if it was only blacks on the site.

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    • shotgun007 says:
      Posted: 12 Jul 12

      .. Very true comment Guitargreat. I wish they would keep it real as well. Not sure why other races of men have reduced themselves to putting down black guys and thats not including the penis obsession.

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      • cocorose88 says:
        Posted: 18 Apr 14

        If I were you shotgun007 I would not worry about other races supposedly putting down black men. Brothers are doing fine for themselves in the dating arena. You should be worried about the black men all over the internet that bash YOU! Single women of African American decent. I am Afro-Cuban so lucky for me Spanish men are very protective and they would never ridicule their women in public for being Morenas, but you need to honestly worry about yourself to diminish the exponentially high percentage of single black African American women!

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  16.   Punter says:
    Posted: 21 Feb 12

    Asian men are always being deteriorate in western media and movies, it reflects the insecurity of white males(particularly those love both white women and Asian women). In Hollywood movies, Asian men are portraited as rats, white men are portriated as good looking hero and whom the women will finally fall in love. Not only in movies, but also daily living in Western countries you as an Asian male(particularly if you're good looking) can feel this kind of jealousy and hates from white males. Its common to see white men dating Asian women, but when white girls date Asian guys, racist react from white men(it doesn't happen the other way around dunno why, probably because many still have the white race superiority thinking inside)

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  17.   Starr083 says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 12

    *Latina is NOT a race *get a clue immediately, please

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    • trackgirl15 says:
      Posted: 24 Jul 12

      HA HA HA. HE has some nerve making a statement like "white men prefer not to date black women". Clearly based on this site alone that makes your statement a lil ridiculous.

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  18.   Starr083 says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 12

    I would find it hilarious that white men like Rosso87 comes to a site called "AFRO" romance but claim to not date black women, only if it weren't so tragic. There are PLENTY of sites for White Men seeking Asian women, why come here? And it would also help if hopeless men like Rosso87 could figure out that Latino isNOT a race. There are Black Latina women as well. So when you say "I don't like black women but I like Latina women" it's basically like saying "I don't like Ketchup only Catsup". Get a clue, immediately, please.

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    • Lucretia78 says:
      Posted: 06 Feb 12

      You just killed it. “I don’t like black women but I like Latina women” it’s basically like saying “I don’t like Ketchup only Catsup”. I don't think they heard you. I heard this "poorly built preference comment" TOO many times. And yes I have seen a AMWW couple about 3 years ago. I worked with him. Gosh, he was gorgeous! And his gf was cute too! In a small, I mean extremely small East Texas backwoods town. And his sister dated BM too. Plenty of AWBW couples in San Antonio & Austin. I still get pissed at the Asian man in movies not represented right as the hero and getting the girl. ANY GIRL!!!

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    • Posted: 01 Jul 13

      Starr you are absolutely right I think we all need to remember. Do not feed the trolls! They exist for some reason to muddy the waters, no real communication exists for them only their twisted little thoughts matter.

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    • cocorose88 says:
      Posted: 18 Apr 14

      Bless your comment dear! I am an Afro-Cubana and I can't tell you how many men claim to dislike black women yet try to ask me out because I'm a Latina lol. I am so allergic to ignorance, so when they tell me that hogwash, I start looking for an exit, and when I find it I excuse myself immediately! How can people be so ignorant in the information/internet era?

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  19.   Rosso87 says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 12

    I think it just has to do with preference, just like most white males prefer not to date black woman.

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  20.   Cassie92 says:
    Posted: 09 Nov 11

    I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's because of women's liberation. I mean, now white women are encouraged to learn things. We're not some silly housewives listening to bullshit about white supremacy. We now know that there is no REAL difference between the races. Also, I think the media is depicting Asian men in a better light. I mean, it went from some strange, mouthy little twerp with a funny hat and long braid to a man who was just like everyone else. (Nothing wrong with traditional Asian fashion. My problem lies with stupid archetypes.) Asian men aren't beating on their wives and aren't superstitious and they are just as desirable as anyone else. I really don't know. This is just a theory. And as for white men, I believe that they have always been allowed to partake in the double standard that Asian woman is the same thing as white, but not vice versa. I also believe that there is a sick little misconception that Asian women are submissive. Hahaha, I know that's bullshit, because my best friend is Asian and so is my other friend and they aren't submissive. They're strong, independent women. And, I don't know. Maybe Asian women are really pretty? I mean, it's exotic. I think humans as a whole seek something different. However, before I get slapped around, I don't think all white men think these things. I'm just saying there is a prevalence of this viewpoint.

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    • Pusyhunter says:
      Posted: 14 Nov 11

      white males are insecure, they love Asian women and deliberately degrade/push down Asian males in many ways(e.g. Western media, Hollywood movies etc.), particularly I found that white men hate good looking Asian guys so much because of jealousy. In fact, 99% of those (East)Asian women who date western men are not consider pretty or pretty, unless she's a hooker or having mental problem. Just go to the mall to prove it, only those Asian women with white men are mostly lower than average looking, but those white girls with their Asian bf/husband are quite beautiful in general. This may upset you but its true!

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      • Pusyhunter says:
        Posted: 14 Nov 11

        Many typos, correct here: Many white males are insecure in losing their women, they love Asian women and deliberately degrade/push down Asian males in many ways(e.g. Western media, Hollywood movies etc.), particularly obvious is that white men hate good looking Asian guys so much because of jealousy. In fact, 99% of those (East)Asian women who date western men are not consider pretty or attractive, unless she’s a hooker or having mental problem! Go to the mall to check out those interracial couples, those Asian women accompanying with a white male partner are usually lower than average looking, but those white girls with their Asian bf/husband are quite beautiful in general. This may upset many western men but its true!

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        • Cassie92 says:
          Posted: 14 Jan 12

          You know, now that I think about it...you're absolutely right!

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    • Alazar says:
      Posted: 27 Feb 13

      Are you really a white woman or an Asian chick in a white face? Honestly what impresses me the most about Asian women is, their level of dishonesty and manipulation. Do whatever it takes to get what they want and pretend they don't know what you talking about.

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  21.   Root58 says:
    Posted: 22 Aug 11

    There have always a competition of sorts of power struggles between white males and white females. Especially in America. The most common interracial relationship nowadays is usually between white males and Asian females. Not between black males and white females, contrary to popular beliefs. And since the white w omen's liberation have come into play in America the power struggle have always been prevalent between them. So it's usually whatever white males are doing, white females wants to do it too. It's the same scenario with the issues of white males with black females, dating back to when black females came to this country from Africa as slaves and white males were using black females as their own little personal sex slave. And of course, white females wanted to have some of the that Mandingo warrior as well. So it's an 'anything white males can do, white females can do it too' scenario.

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  22. Posted: 05 Aug 11

    You notice the way whites try to play blacks and Asians off against each other as polar opposites. 1) If blacks are cool, then Asians are nerdy. 2) If black women are disagreeable, overbearing and loud, then Asian women are sweet, submissive and quiet. 3) If blacks are lazy, then Asians are hard working. 4) If blacks have a lower IQ than whites, then Asians have a higher one. 5) If blacks have a higher poverty rate than whites, then Asians have a lower one. 6) If blacks have less education than whites, then Asians have more. 7) If black women are “mannish”, then Asian women are “ultra-feminine 8) If black men are stereotyped as having big penises but not much intelligence while Asian men are the other way round And whites put themselves right in the middle as just right Scientific racists use north-eastern Asians to support their own white racism, twisting facts to try to prove that the Chinese and Japanese do better on IQ tests. Why ? Because that would mean IQ tests do not somehow favour the whites who made them. It would also support your idea that cold climates make you smart : that the cold weather in Europe and northern Asia evolved higher levels of human intelligence, leaving behind blacks as a backward branch of mankind. Funny that, considering neither never settled in the supposedly, easy to live in, warm tropics Plus asian culture is really just a borrowed and stolen African culture. IF YOU DON’T KNOW HISTORY YOU KNOW NOTHING. Martials arts, cuisine, music, philosophy and religion are just a few things that Asian got from Africa . The Chinese are also moving back to South Africa in droves because that is where many of them are from. If you look at the Mandarin language or even Japanese dialects you will see the similarity between them and African languages. White people seem to prefer Asians because it makes you feel like you are not racist when still hating blacks and everyone know how white men love Asian women for the myth of their passivity and traditionalism. All that comes from the Vietnam and Korean Wars where white servicemen routinely raped Asian women whenever they got horny and the way white men go over to Bangkok and Thailand to catch a bit of yellow fever. It’s funny really this “Asian are so smart” and “Asians are doing so well” is NEVER pushed by Asians themselves. Is it ? After all, to claim superior Asian genes or culture as the reasons for achievement, requires you to ignore the rampant poverty and lack of success for persons from the same background in their countries of origin. There is no shortage poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong. Asian success does not prove there is no racism against them. Any more than the success of Tiger Woods, Barack Obama proves that they never faced racism. Or that Jewish success in Germany in the early 1900s proved that anti-Semitism was dead. Asians succeed in spite of racism mainly because they have way more education on average than most white people (a side effect of immigration policy. Also asians have a different history with whites. Whites never successfully went into China , Korea , Japan and overtook anything. Therefore the sense of superiority that dominance gives was not carried forward. Whites believed that Asians outsmarted them. Racism comes in part from the hang-ups white people have about people being “different”. So some of it will apply to anyone who looks different, who does not look pure european. That part applies to both blacks and Asians. But part of the racism comes from the need to excuse the unfair advantages whites have, something that grows out of their ugly, skinhead past of genocide, slavery and Jim Crow. That part applies to blacks, not to Asians. That makes blacks a way bigger threat to white self-image than Asians. Therefore whites need to think that there is something profoundly wrong with black people.

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  23.   ChosenOne99 says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 11

    I love Asian men. I think there is a rise in AMBW relationships and AMWW relationships, AMLW relationships, etc... I think Asian men are becoming more comfortable with dating outstide of their race. I know a lot of Asian guys who state various reasons for not approaching women outside of their race including but not limited to: American women are too large (in body frame and stature), cultural differences, family would not allow it, too shy, fear of rejection, not interested, not sure if she likes Asian guys, etc... I love Asian guys and I think it's wonderful!! I have a blog and a youtube page about my life experiences and dating Asian men. I think it's great to de-fuse the stereotypes about Asian men...not all are shy. As a matter-of-fact, they can be quite vocal. I think it depends on the person and what they are used to. There are different types of Asian men...ABC, FOB, Asian men that have lived in America for any true length of time are going to be different than an Asian man who comes directly from his country to date outside his race. However, even guys from their own country are more than willing to date outside of their race. There's a ton of youtube videos about interracial marriages in Asian community. One of my faves is a Black woman who met her Korean husband while she was working abroad. They met, fell in love, and got married, etc... He was a Korean, not spending time in America, just straight Korean. So it really depends. Another couple I know Japanese man and Black woman, met in Hawaii while in college. It really just depends on the people. It is happening all over but just not publicized or talked about as much.

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  24.   Brandonman says:
    Posted: 22 May 11

    i guess the whole interracial dating issue is never ever going to get old. as an asian male from first generation chinese parents. the main reason for me not dating white girls was because of parental pressure not to. my dad fiercely wanted me to date chinese girls. the problem for me is that i am 6'2", 44 jacket and 32" waist. i am not ashamed to say that i am also very good looking (modeled) and am a doctor. am i totally blessed with height and good looks? absolutely. am i blessed to be a white collar professional? yep! thus, i have the pick of a lot of women. tall, short, white, black, asian etc. despite all my desirable (even conceited) positive attributes, i married a traditional asian women due to parental pressure. i was miserable and eventually divorced her. now, i am dating a person i want to be with. someone who is meant for me because she is compatible for me as a wonderful woman and not just by her race. is it by chance that she is a tall natural blonde model? well, her looks are definitely a bonus...but i am with her because she is intelligent, witty and caring. so... all you asian men who think you dont have enough game to be with a white woman...you are right. most asian men do not have the confidence to be with a white woman. in fact, most asian men dont have enough confidence to be with any woman. get some confidence and be with someone you want to be with. not because of their race but because of the person they are.

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    • BriBear says:
      Posted: 30 May 11

      I recently met an East Asian man that I am dating. I have never had the desire to date outside of my race (white) nor even THINK about making eye contact with a military man. But the way this gentleman approached me was almost too good to be true. An intelligent conversation..YES PLEASE!!! Oh,wow what a beautiful harmonious physical and emotional attraction!! I think I may have found my best friend. And yes, it is all about confidence. I also agree that this male Asian culture aims from an intelligent female. And for a white woman like myself, white guys' principles are not as critique as East Asian men. With human trafficking degrading female Asians, it makes sense why some Asian men are attracted to white woman that are independent. And vice versatile, Asian woman with while men (much more common.) Asian men are usually highly educated, high family values, and intelligent reasoning skills. Lately, I cannot find a single decent man that can carry in a deep conversation about society, ect. Learning about other cultures is beneficial to anybody and raises awareness about your own morals and values. No wonder interracial relationships and wedlocks are becoming more common...not just the looks of an Asian white baby, but of the strong values of both cultures that can be incorporated into raising children. And for those that want the truth... They are not all short, or necessarily good at math, and their penises are not small!!! It really is about the individual and not the race or culture... It's about who you get along with and have common interests. My thoughts on dating only with my race has changed dramatically and DAMN Asia is a beautiful culture.

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    • Nyalalam says:
      Posted: 07 Dec 17

      The issue around interracial relationships will never get old, as miscegenation is evil and will result in the extinction of beautiful white women eventually.

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  25.   Soju says:
    Posted: 11 Mar 11

    Only in the media this is news. In reality from what I've read it saids about 1 out 3 East Asian men, e.g. Koreans who were born in US are married to white women. Korean American males have the highest outmarriage rate. I've dated more white females than Asian females by a long shot. Also from my observation white women who have East Asian Ameircan boyfiends tend to be upwardly mobile and highly educated.

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  26. Posted: 19 Dec 10

    From what I've seen, heard and experienced, a great majority of Asian girls date White men on the basis/assumption that Asian men are too short/traditional & not well endowed. Also, a lot of them feel the urge to be accepted. As we all know, Asian women (most) come from cultures where women have little to no rights/freedom so when they live in a Western nation, they decide to go for the golden ticket (white men) regardless of how they are treated. Of course this doesn't apply to every single one of them...but I'm sure any HONEST Asian lady in this kind of relationship can admit to this.

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    • reese says:
      Posted: 24 Jul 11

      Asians women are not the most that have the less freedom. What about the middle east where some countries women cannot go to school or even shop without husbands permission.

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  27.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 29 Oct 10

    Except for the fact that you like to kickbox which is more of an Asian thing. Unless you are French and into French kickboxing, Savate. I have had a lot of Asian male friends and they were really good with marital arts in real life. Quite interesting.:-)

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  28.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 29 Oct 10

    Maybe you are too far away from your original culture to see clearly about true Asians anymore DDuana. You might as well be like a white guy now!!;-)

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  29. Posted: 22 Oct 10

    Secondly, there is a backlash of asian women within there own culture. They are still viewed as inferior to men in their own culture. Not every culture sees them this way, especially the American culture, which is after all, the great melting pot. Sure you have people here that are racist in some way or another, but the ideal of our society is to have the same rights as the person standing next to you. For the most part this is true, however, I do think there is a class war brewing in America. But more to my point. China is an emerging super power, which has access to technology and medicine. Well, this also means China has access to ultra sound, and abortions. Guess which gender they are more susceptible to abort.......thats right, baby girls. In fact, they had to enact rules of abortion, because the upcoming generation in China is going to be roughly 70% boys to 30% girls. China couldnt fathom the thought of their boys growing up to become fatherless and alone, so they had to enact the legislation. They were using abortion to get the desired gender out of their marriages though, and for quite some time. If you think, EVEN FOR A SECOND, that this hasn't played on the psyche of Asian women, you would be wrong. I'm also willing to bet China is not the only Asian country that views gender differences like this. THIRD Its known that American women use sex to get what they want, I would say all women do this to an extent, but its almost second nature in American women and they do it without even thinking about it sometimes. American women also have a fundamental bias toward men in general, whereas Asian women have a bias towards maybe their own men, but not just all men in general. Also, American women have unrealistic expectations in what a man should be providing them, a superiority complex stemming from a sense of entitlement, and are generally considered high maintanence. Lets coin it the Princess syndrome. This 'princess syndrome' means that she will always think that she is better than you, and that she deserves and she is entitled to whatever she wants from you. However, there are good women out there that are American, its just that more and more of them are showing these 'princess syndrome' symptoms. In Lamens terms, more and more women want to dominate the household, whereas guys just want to peacefully co-exist with their partner and not have to re-inforce the meaning of their value day in and day out with gifts and cards and other material bullshit that would be better spent on a home remodelling project in the first place. FOURTH And this sort of goes along with the first one from my first post. Some white women look outside of their race for a relationship, and sometimes just to have a good time while they are still young. They do this at a much earlier age than white males, likely because they mature faster than boys. This leads to a much slimmer dating pool for white guys, and later in life this translates to white men doing the same thing and looking outside of their own race to fulfill their desires. FIFTH People are people, and it really doesn't matter who you are having sex with as long as they are human and of the opposite sex. I mean as long as men and women are co-habitating on the planet earth, then that means our planets future is safe, as long as we don't screw it up. Now, if for some reason all women everywhere just started hating men, then that may not bode well for humanity no matter how well we've preserved our planet.

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    • serenity33 says:
      Posted: 22 Oct 10

      You should break it down more into the different Asian subcultures. Different Asian cultures view things differently. Even in China there are many different subcultures ranging from Mainland China to Cantonese to Taiwanese to all kinds of Chinese subcultures. And all the different Asian countries from Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Philippines, to one's i haven't mentioned are often different. And the whole thing changes when they become Americanized. Americanized Asians often are the worse and worse than non-Asian American women. They get the worst from their culture and combine it with the worst from ours so you often end up with promiscuous, hedonistic, gold-digging and very looks hungry and very power hungry women. I have dated many Asian American women and they all cheated on me and left me for someone they thought was better. And as a marriage counselor, I just dread counseling white male, female Asian couples because the women are just so unreasonable most of the time it is hard to get through to them. Asian women often behave best when married to other Asian men because Asian men are taught to not take any crap or spoiled brat behavior from Asian women and keep them civil and in their place while white guys like me seem to be way too soft on Asian women and even though I never cheated on anyone I was with, I would get beat by one of the one's I was with, she was that violent and unstable. Good thing I am a big guy and can take a hit. But generally white guys with Asian women are whipped and I will be the first to admit that which is the norm from what I have seen unless the white guy has a lot of money and controls things well and it helps if he is really handsome. Then the Asian female knows which side her bread is buttered on and treats him better. Of course all the smart businessmen or military men that are white and want a submissive Asian female go abroad where many of them are still submissive except for Koreans who have a superiority complex in their own country just like many Americans do, but the businessmen and military get Asian women from abroad that are still submissive and bring them back. That is the only way the white guys with Asian women don't end up whipped most of the time. And Asian women are the champions of using sex to manipulate men and have the highest lesbian rate of any ethnic group. It is extremely common for Asian American women to marry a man and use sex to manipulate him and then have a lesbian lover on the side to fulfill her own needs. I have seen it many hundreds of times and the men usually don't have any problem with it as long as the women are cheating with other men. So the Asian female situation is very complex and is extremely varied depending on the individuals with so many factors that could shape them, it is unbelievable. Gives a lot for one to think about if you really study the subject.

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    • DDuana says:
      Posted: 29 Oct 10

      Um, this topic concerns Asian AMERICANS, not Asians in Asia, so I am not sure why you are bringing this whole ultrasound and other nonsense into this discussion. And just in case you have no idea what an Asian AMERICAN is, here is the Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_American Note: Asian Americans are Americans who just happen to be of Asian descent. They do not go around killing female babies, eating dogs, carrying Samurai Swords, and beating women.

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      • serenity33 says:
        Posted: 29 Oct 10

        Actually it doesn't specify anywhere about it being about Asian Americans. I read the entire article and I don't see anything saying that. Now if the video says something different, then I wouldn't know because I haven't seen it. But the blog article is about Asians themselves and most people seem to be talking about Asians from other countries especially when they bring up the military that has been involved in the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan especially. Ultrasound? Are we talking about babies now?;-) Also, many Asians are immigrating strongly from Asian countries and they bring their unique Asian culture with them so I think that plays a part in who they are and they should not all be stereotyped together. Even Asians born here often are highly influenced by their parents who still carry the Asian traditions from their home countries so even many Asian Americans are still very Asian acting. It takes some generations for it to go away and them to be totally Americanized and then they are usually not any different than any white girl in America.;-) So why bother talking about them then?;-) They are going to go after white men because they think like white women, no big puzzle there!!;-)

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    • duayneg says:
      Posted: 25 Apr 12

      excellent post! If you've ever taken evolutionary psychology a lot of what you're saying is right on target; in fact, I would venture to say that all cultures of women have this "Princess syndrome", but it is far more prevalent in the American culture. It has to deal with a mindset of an sold problem dealing with resources, and men were the primary holders; when choosing a mate a women chose the man with resources to sustain them and their child, but this was during a time when we were nomadic. We have evolved, but we still carry the same mindset just massacred to fit our modern world. I'm very careful to look for the qualities of women who have a stone age minder and make sure I leave as quickly as possible!

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  30. Posted: 22 Oct 10

    IS out there, and to build their tastes for the opposite sex accordingly.

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  31. Posted: 22 Oct 10

    I think there are a few reasons why this is occuring. First, I think its because the world is so much closer together, than in previous years. With the internet, anyone in the world can basically chat with one another, given they meet in the right chat room or find each other on the right social site. And this allows people to see exactly what

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  32.   Kenazman says:
    Posted: 20 Oct 10

    I dated an older Asina lady years ago and she was a total sweetheart.I wanted children then and she could not have any.I sort of broke up the relationship.I think that was the greatest mistake I have ever made and may have been very selfish on my part.

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  33.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 04 Sep 10

    It could be as simple as there are a greater of white guys in the United States than any other race so just by sheer probability due to the greater number of white guys, Asian women coming to or in the States just go for who is in there environment. I don't think it reflects negatively on Asian men at all. If the majority of the men in the United States were black or Asian, they would probably go more for them just because it was easier because there were more of them in their immediate environment.

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    • Anthony2012 says:
      Posted: 05 Oct 10

      .........because were a trillion dollars in debt with china !!!!

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    • Jake says:
      Posted: 14 Oct 10

      I’m an asian male, and one of the reasons there are more white men dating asian women is because of the military. White men who are stationed oversees will date and marry asian women. White women on the other hand are not interested in asian men (and vice versa) because of many societal discrimination against the pairing. White women are considered the forbidden fruit, like she represents mother earth from her culture. Other problems like difference in culture is BS I think. So what if the asian male speaks with a foreign accent, what does that matter? American entertainment industry seems to perpetuate this and I am tired of seeing only stereotypes in American pop culture like Long Duk Dong, William Hung, Mr. Yunioshi, the asexual asian man in The Hangovers. THERE WAS NOT ONE SINGLE ASIAN MAN IN SEX AND THE CITY other than a gay asian man which I thought was not fair considering the show is about RELATIONSHIPS AND SEX. The only asian men you see are martial art experts like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Rain (though he’s not a martial artist) Mr. Miyagi (was not a martial artist), Jason Scot Lee (not a martial artist either). Not to keep ranting, but I just get tired of seeing asian women with white men not because of racism, but that’s all you see. You see the paring in American movies and TV commercials too. When are western societies going to allow for asian man to date white women?

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      • serenity33 says:
        Posted: 23 Oct 10

        I don’t know about the view of Asian men because I know plenty of white women who go after Asian men and personally don’t pay attention to any negative stereotypes about them and see them as equal to men of other races. But I do see military men going after Asian women all the time. And the said part is that military men abused Asian women overseas all the time as well as other races and are known for many rapes of young local women that aren’t white. And many Asian women marry white military men to get to live in the States when the guy goes home which is not a recipe for true love. And military men have a long history of doing that since world war two with Japanese women. It has been highly documented in the Korean and Vietnamese wars and the white American military would often have Korean women as their sex slaves as well as maid slaves and called them mules and often left them with children and left them when they went home. But many brought home a lot of them to get married in the States and that was an easy way for Korean or Vietnamese women to get into the United States. Many of these marriages have lead to abuse which I have seen in marriage counseling especially since they have the seven year law of having to live together before the woman can divorce the husband and still stay in the States. So I agree with you a lot Jake and hope you find the woman of whatever race you are looking for that meets your personality requirements. I know how you feel about stereotypes because being an overweight white male my entire life, the media has portrayed us poorly as kids growing up as well as adult overweight white males so I am not fond of the media either.

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        • Jake says:
          Posted: 26 Oct 10

          Thanks for your reply. Another concern I have is the population in the U.S. for Asians (specifically East Asians). The problem I see is whenever you’re a minority in a country that’s not from your ancestry, there will always be favoritism for the majority first, and since the majority in the U.S. is Caucasian, I don’t see how Asian men can compete when there are very few. This limiting populace wouldn’t of happened if it weren’t for our U.S. government's involvement with immigration policies limiting Chinese during the late 1800s. People can look this up on google, just type The exclusion act of 1882. I think the population for East Asians would've been as big as Hispanic/Latino and African American today if we didn't have that law years ago.

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        • Alazar says:
          Posted: 27 Feb 13

          You really know Asian women inside out. Amazing. I know them very well too.

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        • Alazar says:
          Posted: 27 Feb 13

          Serenity33 really knows Asian women inside out. I think most black men, black female, white female or Hispanics don't really know Asian women.

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      • serenity33 says:
        Posted: 23 Oct 10

        Ah, don't worry Jake. The head of the sociology department of Baltimore years ago married a Japanese man and she wouldn't go after anyone but Asians and she was a white female. Trust me, there are a lot of them out there that love Asian men. You might want to go to an all Asian site and you will find many white women that are only interested in Asians. This is almost exclusively a black/white site so Asian women are slim pickins here and usually looking for a black male, not a white one. You just have to know where to look.:-)

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      • Jake says:
        Posted: 28 Oct 10

        I complain a lot about Hollywood, but are they dumb or are they greedy? In Romeo Must Die film, which was a modern day urban version of Romeo and Juliet, Jet Li didn't even kiss the girl (Aaliyaa) because the screen test didn't go well from white audiences (according to the filmmakers), so it was cut in the regular version. Now you get the sense in the movie Jet Li and Aaliyah's characters were falling in love, and there's even the word Romeo in the title of the movie, you would think Jet Li should've been embracing Aaliyaa in a kiss at least, I just don't get it. Are white people really this sensitive that they don't want to see an asian hero get the girl? Or is this the fault of the filmmakers? Or is this about marketing? Either way, the movie still would've been a box office success. Even allowing one lousy smooch wouldn't have ruined the whole film.

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        • serenity33 says:
          Posted: 29 Oct 10

          Dude do you have any balls at all? Romeo and Juliet is a chick flick no matter how urban you try to make it!! Real men only go to movies like that with chicks to get laid!!;-) That's why I stick to Jet Li's cooler movies where he is kicking ass like The Forbidden City with Jackie Chan in it. Of course the romance part of it was crappy but it had a lot of cool ass kicking and Jet Li was great!! His Once Upon a Time Series is also very cool and very historically accurate. It really portrays well how China was affected by opening up its boarders to outside trade totally for the first time and the British and American influences that started to take hold in China. But Romeo and Juliet? GAG!! I gagged enough when I was forced to read and study it in college as an English minor but I sure as hell wouldn't pay to go see it no matter who was in it!!

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        • himone says:
          Posted: 24 Dec 10

          jake not only are they sensitive about this they are also dont want the audience to know that caucasian men are not that desirable, which they are not. so to eliminate that people of other races asian/african, latin/asian, latin/african. if the film is not directed toward the people of that nationality then it would not be any intimacy what so ever. but it would be intimacy if the leading man was caucasian not only would it be kissing but the woman of another nationality beside caucasian would have to be nude. i dont get it either but i know one thing for sure if the leading man is of any other race beside caucasian they are not getting any play from a caucasian woman. the saddest fact about that is that the caucasian woman/man is not all that fine in people eye of other races but they will push that person out there on you regardless of how the people feel about it.

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          • sodominican says:
            Posted: 11 Apr 12

            That is so funny. It is true like the "Pelican Brief" with Julia Roberts.

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        • dhayes45 says:
          Posted: 26 Jul 11

          You know what! Thanks for noticing this too, I very much agree at the end of the movie there was a lot of room for a kiss, I mean why even write the script and make the movie if this wasn't going to happen.

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          • Silverdante says:
            Posted: 06 Feb 13

            Except it was Denzel's choice not to kiss Julia robert. As not to lose his popularity with a large part of his fanbase. That doesn't make it better or worse, but for definition I did want to add that.

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        • reese says:
          Posted: 24 Mar 12

          I complained about the same thing. How they gonna have a love story where the hero was willing to die for the woman, but not kiss her really. I wonder why it bothered white audiences. I doubt they would of finched if it was a black guy and asian women.

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          • trackgirl15 says:
            Posted: 24 Jul 12

            Yeah. I remember there was an episode of 90210 where one of the white guys had some kind of "ship" with a black girl. At the end of the show he hesitated to kiss the black girl for whatever reason. I was like "what is the big deal with other races kissing?". It's as if they only want the world to view white people as "desirable" and nobody else.

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      • chaosXD says:
        Posted: 16 Nov 10

        To be honest a lot of these things are a result of the media.. even in wide spread cultures there are more interracial dating due to what the media portrays.. and another reason from what I've come to deduce is rebellion.. a lot of people associate interracial relationships to being free from either parental oppression or societal oppression as to make a statement that i am unique or special or odd.to be more specific take the average suburban teenager taken from an American suburb whose parents goals for his/her life is not exactly what they want out of their lives and feel little acts of rebellion make them feel free or independent. i like Asian women simply because I've never dated one.. and i am very curious because out of the women i have dated or hooked up with in my life i feel they have a lot of ancestral culture that has not completely been washed away by westernization no matter how little it is and its something I'd like to experience in this lifetime.

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      • reese says:
        Posted: 24 Jul 11

        You can. There are more and more men stepping out. I saw go after who you want regardless of there race. No matter what race some people are off limits, but more and more people are looking just for a good mate regardless of there race. Also some women are selecting men by wrong criteria if they are talking about hieght or other things. I have friends who are looking at Asian men because the majority of them have education and jobs. And if they are single they don't have kids. But maybe you should look outside of just white women. There are alot of women in this country and latinos don't care about hieght. My bestfriend is married to an Asian man and she is black.

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    • serenity33 says:
      Posted: 25 Oct 10

      It could be as simple as there are a greater of white guys in the United States than any other race so just by sheer probability due to the greater number of white guys, Asian women coming to or in the States just go for who is in there environment. I don’t think it reflects negatively on Asian men at all. If the majority of the men in the United States were black or Asian, they would probably go more for them just because it was easier because there were more of them in their immediate environment.

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    • Posted: 01 Jul 13

      Simple supply side economics huh ? Greater supply less demand when something is rare it is in demand normally by your definition its more that they date who they are exposed to and in my book that makes a lot of sense. Indeed you can't date who you have not met.

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  34.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 30 Aug 10

    Can anyone give a deep reason why this phenomena is increasing? I would like to hear from couples that are in this kind of relationship and hear their thoughts on the matter. Actually this is one of the few topics that I can comment on because five out of my six serious relationships were with Asians. I think they went for me because I took the time to listen to them and take them seriously and they knew I would protect them and never hit them. Plus I was always faithful to them and they liked that. So I guess they must have thought I was different in a positive way from other races for some reason because they sure weren't with me for my looks or money!! Understanding and patience and faithfulness can go a long way to attract some women plus I loved each one I was with very deeply in a spiritual way as well so they always felt loved. They felt very secure with me as a partner and they know if I would have married them, I would have always been faithful and never divorced them but always worked things out. That could be it. Any thoughts because they could have done a lot better in finding someone better looking with more money because they all were very pretty!!

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  35.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 29 Aug 10

    85kguy says: August 28, 2010 at 22:29 A lot of Asian men are less likely to produce unstable families in my opinion. Doctors, Engineers, Master’s degreed computer professionals. This is the yearning and appeal of Asian men. Let me make it clear that I am not trying to be argumentative with you or insult you in any way. I am honestly curious how you came up with your line of reasoning and would be grateful if you could answer my questions. Why do educated people that aren't instructed in interpersonal relationships supposed to have more stable families? And is the yearning and appeal of Asian men limited strictly to them having degrees? We spend money on public education but all the while are putting our boys into environments that diminish their potential. True. Studies show that our educational system is one of the worst in the world. But what potential are you referring to that is being diminished? Just financial? Isn't school also about healthy socialization besides and education which studies show Asian cultures to be limited in in their educational systems? And which boys do you mean? Asians seem to be able to isolate most boys from the bad that diminishes from the potential of the young men to become productive and impressive. What is considered bad in general in your opinion? Why does productive equal being impressive and what is your definition of productive and what is your definition of impressive? And how do you think the Asians isolate most boys from what you consider bad? Studies show that Asians children tend to have more trouble with bullies than American school systems do, outside of the classroom. In the classroom is a disciplined environment especially since Asians believe in corporal punishment like caning while American teachers get beat up by students. The Japanese woman I mentioned was so bullied being on 4' 11'', that she had to take up martial arts to defend herself from bullies. She then beat up her fair share of boys especially when a lot of them ganged up on her. So what do Asians do to isolate their boys from bad if this is going on? That is and should be appealing to any woman. If it is appealing to any woman, then shouldn't it be appealing to Asian women as well and black women or women of other races besides white which is what the blog suggests more white women are with Asian men? Again, this is not an attack on you. I am just really curious about answers to these questions and I encourage anyone to share their viewpoint on the answers to my questions.

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  36.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 29 Aug 10

    Actually, I hate to disagree with you but as a norm, because the go into professional degrees they are more likely to have unstable relationships especially if they are from traditional Asian cultures where women are seen mostly as sex objects. Asian men are more likely to go into high stress, high paying jobs which doesn't leave them much time for their families and their families and spouses are often subjected to misplaced stress from these jobs. Plus since they work such long hours, they run the risk of being distant from their spouse and having affairs with whoever is on hand and willing. And their boys are not isolated from bad in the world and I have heard while counseling Asian couples or single men that cheat how they got their views about women as just sex objects from their Fathers. So they aren't exposed to positive male role models or positive female role models and are more likely to be exposed to treating women poorly. Yes, they are pushed very hard to be productive but that doesn't mean that they will be good for a stable relationship. In Korea, they actually have commercials about how to be polite to people because so many of them are so rude and in a hurry to care about anyone else because it is very hard to make it in Korea since everyone is pushed to be smart and educated and to succeed and many of them crack under the pressure. And the fetish of Japanese schoolgirls runs rampant in Japan and I am close friends with a Japanese woman who teaches English and she told me about how underage school girls will sell their bodies to Japanese businessmen for money and then by tons of expensive things. And the helping professions like counselors and mental health workers are discouraged in Asian countries and almost non-existent. It is highly frowned upon if you go to therapy for anything no matter how much you need the therapy or how serious the problem is. And if you are mentally ill or disabled or handicapped, you are looked down on and are a social pariah. My mother who has been a psychiatric nurse says that she feels the most sorry for her Asian patients because no one ever goes to see them and their mental illness or infirmity is seen as a stigma. Now this isn't true of all Asian men but it is true of most. Until women get treated equally and seen as human beings and not sex objects to be used solely for the pleasure for men or someone to beat to transfer and alleviate job stress, Asian men in high pressure jobs won't make good husbands. If you just want money and don't mind being hit or cheated on, then they are fine. Asian men are the most driven and hardworking men as a whole that I have ever seen but it ends up backfiring in relationships because there isn't enough time to do everything. If they take lower prestige jobs, that make less money, they actually have time for good relationships. Two of the finest men I have ever known were an Asian tailor who got his whole family into the business and an Asian dance instructor. Both were looked down upon in their own country and they were fortunate to move here and got married and them and their wives and children are very happy from what I have heard. I wish them all the best. And don't get me wrong. I am all for higher education since I have my Master's and would love to go for a Doctorate in Counseling but it makes all the difference in the world what you get educated in. You can be the best medical doctor or engineer in the world and still be the worst husband or Father, ever.

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  37.   1Bee says:
    Posted: 26 Aug 10

    why so much emphasis on the supposed "common trends" that is how stereotypes get started. I say, anything goes. Anyone can and will hook up with anyone. Color outside the lines folks! <3

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    • serenity33 says:
      Posted: 26 Aug 10

      I think emphasis should be placed on statistical data so we know what is happening sociologically and psychologically with interracial Asian couples. These studies are complex and not to be taken lightly. They give us insight into how people react and think and can guide us to better ways of thinking if we want to avoid the negative statistics of situations. Stereotypes don't get started by statistics. Statistics study the way things are and if anything they help to dispel stereotypes. Joseph Moyer

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    • serenity33 says:
      Posted: 26 Aug 10

      I agree with you that anyone will "hook up" with anyone because hook up is defined as getting together for the eventual purpose of sex. So I agree that horniness knows no racial boundaries and anyone with have sex with anyone regardless of race if they find them attractive enough. So you are indeed right in yor statement that anyone will hook up with anyone. But not all of us are here to hook up with people but are looking for knowledge on cultural differences and statistical analysis of the way people interact and marry especially inter-racially. Some of us are extremely fussy about whom we get close to and associate with let alone hook up with which I am personally opposed to as a marriage counselor, before marriage. It leads to too many problems. Joseph Moyer

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      • 85kguy says:
        Posted: 29 Aug 10

        A lot of Asian men are less likely to produce unstable families in my opinion. Doctors, Engineers, Master's degreed computer professionals. This is the yearning and appeal of Asian men. We spend money on public education but all the while are putting our boys into environments that diminish their potential. Asians seem to be able to isolate most boys from the bad that diminishes from the potential of the young men to become productive and impressive. That is and should be appealing to any woman.

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  38.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 23 Aug 10

    That is odd because all the Koreans I know were the biggest into racial purity and only dating other Koreans. Maybe that thought leaves them when they get to the United States. Also, Korean men in Korea or that are still Korean acting over here still won't stand any back talk or obnoxiousness from the Korean women and are quick to back hand them if they step out of line and the Korean community turns their heads the other way about it. It is common for Korean men to beat their wives. But if the women leave Korea soon enough, they may escape the indoctrination of racial purity and go for a white men that will end up being submissive to THEM in the end and give them the material possessions they desire because the Korean culture is very materialistic as a whole. And as far as wanting to get rid of their small eyes, that is the number one operation that Koreans have here and in Korea which is the removal of their eye folds to make their eyes bigger. The second of course is breast enlargement. One of the Koreans I dated had the surgery done before I met her and I didn't find her attractive over the other two Koreans who didn't have it done. I actually thought the one with the narrowest eyes had the prettiest face but that was my preference. So if they date white guys, the odds are low they will get beat for acting out and being selfish and rude than they will if they marry a Korean guy and the Korean guys expect them to be submissive. The last one I dated was like Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde!! When she was around me, she would curse and swear and be as mean as anything but when she was around her Father and her stepmother, she was all submissive acting towards all the relatives(especially the male ones including cousins) and her step mother was very submissive acting too. Although she still ignored me and was rude to me but in a more subtle way. Fortunately her grandmother really liked me and scolded her to take care of me like the rest of the men when we were eating.;-) Women that stay in Korea longer I think still want Korean guys once they come to the United States but get them away from Korea long enough and they can see the benefits of escaping Korean men. Not all Korean men are this way but the vast majority are. One of my best friends was a Korean man who had his family over and his English was terrible but we had a deep bond because he was a very honorable man. And the sad part is that his wife who was in her thirties, came over and then divorced him and left their teenage daughter here and went back to Korea. He treated her like gold but she didn't want to learn English and preferred Korea. That was her loss because he was a rare find as far as any man went and was very gentle and loving towards his wife and daughter and he never laid a finger on them no matter how bad the wife acted. The daughter was a gem so he really never needed to punish her. Maybe the wife though that a real man would hit her from time to time and that was also why she needed to go back to Korea to find a more traditional Korean man. Don't know but I a against the eye surgery big time and think they look find the way they are. Joseph Moyer

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    • theman7 says:
      Posted: 29 May 11

      ^^^^ what joselph moyer is saying about Korean Males beating Korean Females is beyond false and bullshit!! Majority of Krn Males do NOT beat Krn Females. dont know where you got that false, retarded idea from. get yo facts straight! it's people like you in this world that make other people look like shit based on false facts, biases, perceptions, stereotypes, racism, prejudices, etc. all that fuckin bs in the world. i would know that, what you said about Korean Males is dead wrong. You sir, sure is wrong from the get go. Krns, non-krns, non-asians [regardless of age or gender] would agree that your statements are friggin horseshit. dont be so gullible on things you might hear man. I have a well educated background in Korean history/culture/traditions and shit like that did not exist nor does it today. Of course there are those that do beat females but majority of Korean Males in Korea do not such unspeakable acts. Korean Men are way beyond opposite of what you think they did or do. Think Again!

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  39. Posted: 23 Aug 10

    My friends who are Korean now only date white men which is wierd. Its not as if they grew up in the US...they lived in Korea until their 20's but as soon as they landed in the US. So what has changed??? Asian men werent good enough for them anymore?? Alot of other "theories" is that Asian women (and men) try to get rid of thoe features that I think make them veyr beautiful such as their smal eyes, etc. wHY CANT WE JUST BE HAPPY THE WAY WE ARE! What has this world become lol!

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    • Luv1973 says:
      Posted: 30 Jul 16

      I think thats part of the appeal of many Asians too, their eyes. I grew up with people wanting those eyes.

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  40.   M0729 says:
    Posted: 22 Aug 10

    Very interesting comments indeed.

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  41.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 22 Aug 10

    One thing I would like to dispel is the stereotype of the submissive Asian woman. The only thing that can make an Asian woman submissive is they are poor and they are marrying a white guy who has lots and lots of money. I saw trophy wives that were Asian and ran around in Asian clothes with chopsticks in their hair and waited on their husbands and their husbands clients hand and foot. The men were loaded millionaires and the Asian women knew which side of the bread was buttered on, lets say. Now if you are a poorer white guy like me, Asian women will boss the hell out of you and be very dominant and disruptive and willful. That is one of the reasons they go for poorer white guys sometimes because Asian men wouldn't but up with the crap that Asian women put out. They would backhand them if they talked back to them too much and everyone in the community would turn a blind eye to it so they are only submissive to other Asian men. So the stereotype of Asian men being effeminate is false to. They are usually just more conservative with their emotions and more graceful in their motions which doesn't make them more effeminate. And shorter? Asian guys are getting taller and taller especially the ones in America as their parents are trying hard to make sure they get proper protein in their nutrition and pushing drink more milk as a child. I walked into a Starbucks and saw a 6 foot ten Asian guy with dyed blond hair who startled me because he was so tall!! It was an all Asian area and all the guys were as tall as their American counterparts. So the Asian guys that grow up in America even if they still retain their Asian heritage are getting taller and taller and so are the women!! I saw a teenage basketball player who was 16, thin but easily 6 two. So all Asian are getting taller so you can't stereotype them either as being shorter. So things are changing and like I said, many strong willed Asian women that are Americanized are attracted to white guys because they don't feel the need to be submissive to them especially if they figure out that you won't hit them when they act out. I am a big strong guy and could have easily physically taken on any of my Asian female girlfriends but all five of them dominated me way too much and knew i would not hit them no matter how much they cheated or what they did to me. I personally think that most American women of any race that have a cocky domineering attitude should be sent to live among Muslims in the Middle East for awhile and see how lucky they have it here and how well they are treated here by American Men!!;-) Joseph Moyer

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  42.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 21 Aug 10

    There is no such thing as objective beauty scientifically speaking. It is all association based on personal experience and cultural indoctrination. All races of women are equally attractive. I think it is more of a psychological reason why Asian men go after white women. Like I have posted before, Asian women have made up this weird hierarchy of which they judge all men by especially Asian men. Again, the five biggest turnoffs in order of the biggest turnoff first for ALL women according to studies is: 1.Overweight 2.Short 3.Bald 4.Ugliness that isn't covered in one through three. 5.Stupidity. Overweight Asian men are rare and they are getting taller and taller and few are very bald or ugly and most are not stupid. So Asian women have made a stricter criteria for judging Asian men. Money is first but clothing, popularity, ability to move higher in a good job position, and confidence and smoothness in talking to women and of course age. This is really hard criteria for Asian men to live up to for the vast majority of criteria. However, white men aren't as fussy and as long as the Asian men don't fit into those criteria of five things that all women dislike in a man, they find Asian men attractive. So it is much easier for Asian men to date white women and much less stressful without all the extra baggage that many Asian women bring with their additional criteria. So wouldn't you go for a race that generally isn't as hard on you and more accepting of you as a person without a lot of hassle. That is just natural. So I don't blame Asian men a bit having dated five different Asian women myself and being cheated on by them and dumped for someone better looking and/or richer. So like I said, I totally sympathize with Asian men and their going after white women. Joseph Moyer

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  43.   jeffrey says:
    Posted: 17 Aug 10

    caucasian women are unmatched, it makes no sense to ask what s better asian or caucasian. some may have a slightly strange taste for asian. but the objective beauty of caucasians is unreached. it only makes sense to ask black or yellow

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  44.   marciano says:
    Posted: 15 Aug 10

    One of the best example of how media playing/influencing/supporting over only one kind of interracial relationship/dating (WM&AF) is BofA Amex card ad (x2 point). If you have a chance to look the commercial you will see the 40+ WM (with white collar job & MB car) dating a young AF (in the middle 20's). The irony here is that this ad runs over here at SoCal for only Asian audience and not for everyone else... In conclusion, I hope you can see how American society is continuously using the mass-media persuading a crafty subliminal message to young Asian female audiences.

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  45.   Anybody says:
    Posted: 14 Aug 10

    Andrew: "Kudos to the dude that blogged this. But you’re ‘hypothesis’ as to why Asian men seek white chicks, are so bullshit. I’m an Australian born Asian, but I’m barely Asian at all – Slim but very toned and muscular, extremely sport, not a nerd – hate math but I’m in the top English class haha – I don’t limit myself to the Asian cuisine although I love it and I have quite big eyes." LOL. Top English class yet you f*** up "YOUR hypothesis" with "you're"? Bullshit. Grow the f*** up. You're just furthering the stereotype by thinking that you're NOT Asian because you're this or that. Be proud of what you are, not what society thinks of you.

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  46. Posted: 14 Aug 10

    i have been enjoying all of these comments very much! there are many reasons why AM/WF might date or not, but i think stereotypes (either true or false) really do affect peoples' choices to date or not. one thing many people are not mentioning (for me at least)is looks- i find many "stereotypical" attributes of asian men *so* attractive! the thick, straight black hair, the smooth and darker-than-mine skin, little or no hair over the chest, back (ugh!) or legs, those awesome eyes- absolutely attractive! you can't deny it is often looks that attract a person to you in the first place! i am short anyhow (5'3"), so even a man only 1-2 inches taller than me is aok!

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  47.   Flyingtiger says:
    Posted: 05 Aug 10

    I really don't understand all the stereotypes here, especially some of the really stupid posts by really stupid immature guys. I am a Chinese-American, typical medium height, typical EE/MBA, typical short hair with glasses, typical with a black belt in kenpo karate, typical drive a Honda, a truck and a Mercedes Benz. Typical ride a motorcycle periodically and I love my Wilier Cento Uno racing bicycle. I am fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese, so typical isn't it? I also love German Shepherds (especially DDR GSDs, but that is another story). Before I was married, I dated a lot and had a lot of sex with White, Asian and Black ladies. In my opinion, all mine ladies were very pretty and all were very sweet. During grad school, there was a time I dated a White, Asian and Black at the same time (is this typical for you racist hater of any color? I don't think so). I don't think I am super good looking, although some people think I am. Am I well endowed? No way. One time, I actually had a very tall (yes, taller than I am) and busty Caucasian lady told me compare to her past lovers, I was on the "smaller" side (no joke! I thought it was very funny, I told her it would make BJs much easier to do). None of the Black ladies I've been with ever complained, so what does that tell you about Black men, I am not sure). Am I rich? No way. When I graduated from college and grad school, I owed thousands of dollars, just like you were, very typical. Which race makes a better lovers? I am serious here, its all good, very good. Currently I am married for almost 10 years now, and still happily married. And my wife? She is beautiful, smart, very capable and 10 years younger than I am. I believe my wife is actually smarter than I am too. We have a beautiful son together. So what was my secret how to date all the nice ladies? And most of all, how to marry a very nice lady? First of all, really try to be color blind. I know due to all the liberal brain washing of dividing people by race and gender, being color blind is really hard to do, but you must see people as they are, just people. Secondly, develop a nice personality, be nice and have a sense of humor. Know who you are, you must be comfortable in your own skin. For example, I never scored well in a crowded bar, but I will able to get dates with the most beautiful gal at a more intimate dinner party. Why? Becaues I learned how to talk to people. Do not take yourself too seriously and yet you will be serious about the future. Your attitude about life will be very visible. Don't brag, don't try too hard, and never whine too much, especially to ladies. I'll repeat again, don't whine, it is especially poor form for men to whine, okay? Now this is for you white men, don't talk too much none sense, don't get stuck on sports, let your ladies do the talking. I never wear cologne because I do not want to compete against my ladies' perfume, but I do take two showers a day to stay fresh, even today (no metrosexual males here). Try to stay in shape. Smile and make eye contact. Be yourself because any women can see through a phony within 15 minutes. If you date a gal for more than 6 months, you better start thinking about the future. If there is no future, let her know. Friends with benefits are very hard to come by, so don't fool yourselves. And never never brag to any one about whom you had sex with. Be generous, watch your manners, don't lie, and never say anything bad about any women. Try to marry smart, don't worry about marry rich (if your spouse is rich, great). If you marry smart, your wealth will build over time. Remember, White, Asian, Black, its all good. Now if you do marry outside your race, of course there will be culture differences, but eventually you and your adopted family will get used to each other. Speaking of that, be nice to your in-laws. You need them more than they need you, espcially when you have children. Now on a side note on why you see many Asian women date white guys, I am glad they do. Why? I don't think its due to Asian boys are shy. All the Asian boys I know are horny bastards, why do you think China has so many people? I believe the reason is that I simply do not know many unmarried Asian boys. I could be wrong, may be there are more Asian girls then Asian boys in our culture (get off the China one baby social issues okay, give me a break), just that all the single Asian boys I grew up with were married before I did. Again, I could be wrong, each to its own. So basically, that is about it, good luck to you.

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  48.   Jurei says:
    Posted: 03 Aug 10

    Whoa, I've been in a relationship with an asian male for over 2 yrs, and I sure as heck don't dress like a ho or make out that I'm hanging with some asian bad boy or whatever the current stereotype is. The sex is great, the company and friendship even better. If I had to home in on a problem, it would have to be his family, they are very traditional and I don't exactly fit in and they do tend to give him a hard time and send him on guilt trips for not marrying some distant cousin overseas. I didn't see him as any different to me, he's attractive, funny and very personable. To me, its a normal relationship with normal issues, I look at him and see MY guy, not my ASIAN guy. People will be attracted to whoever their subconscious draws them to, colour or heritage doesn't play any part until much later.

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  49.   jkjk says:
    Posted: 01 Aug 10

    i just think asians are ignorant they think they are white so they are the white man's bitch ahaha

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  50.   Bosie says:
    Posted: 01 Aug 10

    Then I think your mom is a really wise woman! p.s=Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

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